Off Again!

The house is clean. I haven’t had a chance to read any blogs. And I’m blogging.

It’s only 10:50!

PM! (I’m making fun of my last post.) Everything started off just as well as it had yesterday. In fact, the day was much better than I was anticipating after what Joshua went through last night. Suddenly, about an hour after dinner, he groaned and grunted. I ran over with the bucket because a mother’s ear can tell by the tone of a grunt what it means. With chills and the shakes, he tried not to throw up for about 20 minutes. He’d cry out in pain, then moan each syllable,


He never did spew. Upchuck. Toss his gluten-free cookies. Or whatever term tickles your fancy. He fell asleep a lot later than bedtime, but woke up feeling completely normal, so he went to school when I expected to be nursing a vomiting little tyke. Thank You, Lord!

I took the kids to school, made the beds, and did a quick wash up of the breakfast dishes. Around 9 AM, I came into my office to start writing/editing. Tried to turn the computer on. Nothing–I mean nothing–happened. No lights. No slightly annoying whirl.

An hour of tech support later, I was up and running and SO thankful to be able to use the computer. Since Mom and Dad left for California AGAIN this afternoon, we needed to finish up chapters 3-6 for Editor A this morning. What a pleasure it is as authors to review older material and enjoy our own writing. Even maybe surprise ourselves with a turn of a word.

My commitment to blogging every weekday for the school year was almost blow out of the water on the second day! But I’m here, I’ve written, and hopefully I’ve made you kiss your functioning computer.

And guess who visited our house last night? The tooth fairy, who had a small sum of money for the very first child to lose a tooth this year at the elementary school.


One Response to Off Again!

  1. Sir James E. Watkins September 6, 2007 at 10:13 pm #

    Hello. I am James. I invite you to join us for a poetic experience of sights and sounds.

    Experience the promise, the Promise of Light: