Personal Assistant?

Did you hear about the college sophomore who advertised for a personal assistant? He wants to pay $10-12/hr for someone to do his laundry, drive him to and from work, schedule haircuts, and so on.

I’m looking into this … I’m pretty sure I need a PA to read all the books in my To-Be-Read (TBR) pile and organize them according to awesomeness. Plus, like today when we found out a potential buyer is touring our house tomorrow(/today really), my PA could scrub some toilets and sweep the porch. Most of all, I could have my PA write a witty post when I’m exhausted from cleaning for almost twelve hours, watching my To-Be-Slept hours shrinking below five, and planning ahead for a sparkly clean house in the morning when I leave earlier than usual to sub a full day again.

At least it’s Friday, the last day of Homecoming Week, and I’ve got a wonderful surprise to take the older two children to after school. 🙂

Trish Perry
posts an interview and gives away one book, and Kelly Moran is giving away THREE copies! I especially enjoyed answering #1 and #5 on Kelly’s blog.

6 Responses to Personal Assistant?

  1. Susan J. Reinhardt October 23, 2009 at 10:57 am #

    Hi Christina –

    I wouldn’t mind taking the job if I lived closer. 🙂


  2. quietspirit October 23, 2009 at 1:32 pm #

    When you find one,please let us know. Maybe she/he has a sibling or a cousin or two we could hire for ourselves.

  3. T. Anne October 23, 2009 at 2:47 pm #

    Gosh, sounds like someone has some serious money to burn. LOL.

  4. Sallly Bradley October 23, 2009 at 8:18 pm #

    No, no, no. You get the PA to do all the work so all you have to do is read and write. 😀

    I hope you get an offer on your home soon. We’ve had two homes for two years. We’re having our first showing in a few months Saturday AM. We’re waiting on God to make the sale in His time, but we’re praying that this is it.

  5. Christina Berry October 24, 2009 at 11:46 pm #

    Susan, I couldn’t give you any benefits, but I know we’d have a great time working together!

    Quietspirit, let’s all keep an eye out. 🙂

    T.Anne, I know! Can I get a bit of that extra cash over here?

    Sally, how in the world have you swung two houses for that long? Do you rent out the empty one?

  6. Sally Bradley October 26, 2009 at 2:43 am #

    We moved for my husband to pastor a church, and the new church covered one mortgage for about a year. But we never expected to have two mortgages. We moved just months before the housing market began to hurt, and we can’t seem to drop our price fast enough.

    As for how we’re swinging it, God is the one doing it. He’s provided, and we’re current on our mortgages–which is amazing.

    We’re also working as hard as we can. My husband took a part-time job (in addition to pastoring) as a cop, and I do as much editing as I can. We keep busy. 😀