Hitting the Links

No, this isn’t about Tiger Woods and the controversy around his late night accident. And, no, it isn’t even about golf, though I do a fair job at the driving range. This is the post that should have been six individual posts and gets condensed into a link happy blog because of how pitiful I’ve been at blogging lately.

Last week, I met with the adoption committee, which was the first step toward “Angel” becoming my forever daughter. God’s hand has been on the whole journey, so I wasn’t surprised to have His hand on the meeting as well. I wasn’t nervous at all and have a great feeling about the yet-to-be-known outcome.

And of (golf)course, there were more subbing days, the holidays, sending all the books out to my October winners, multiple turkey dinners, time with family, and even a last minute visit from an old friend–which included a Blazer game and mini-concert by Jonny Diaz. I hope your time has been as fulfilling and hope-inspiring as mine!

A BIG deal: Titletrakk.com has an interview up where I discuss my acne, favorite snacks, and what my unaccomplished life goals are. If you’ve already read some of the first Q&As on other interviews, scroll down to the funny ones at the end!

CJ Darlington, one of the founders of Titletrakk also posted my answer to this question: “If you could say one thing to aspiring novelists, what would you say?”

Oh, and another BIG deal: Rel from Australia shines the Character Spotlight at Relz Reviews on Craig and Denise, the protagonists of The Familiar Stranger.  She’s got fantastic pictures up of who would play them in a movie. Leave a comment if you agree or can think of another actor/actress who would do a better job!

John, who has the best name for a blog, posted his manly review of The Familiar Stranger.  Read what he thinks on The Least Read Blog on the Web. I think it would be wonderfully ironic to leave tons of comments on the least read blog. ;p He also recounts the story of how we met, which could have gone very badly if we were in a suspense novel.

Linda Rondeau posts her review and  finds I’ve added a new twist to a familiar story.

Barbara Warren shared her opinion of the book in her October newsletter. (Wow, it’s taken me a long time to post about it!) Scroll past her review of Randy Alcorn’s latest to see why she’d hungry for my next project.

3 Responses to Hitting the Links

  1. Jessica December 1, 2009 at 10:14 am #

    Looks like some great links, Christina. 🙂

  2. Susan J. Reinhardt December 1, 2009 at 12:09 pm #

    Hi Christina –

    Oh, I didn’t know you were planning to adopt Angel. How awesome! She’d be blessed to have you for her forever Mommy. 🙂

    Yes, I’m thinking the same thing. When is your next book hitting the shelves?


  3. Christina Berry December 2, 2009 at 12:39 am #

    Thanks, Jessica! Do you ever hit the real links and put in a golf game or two?

    Susan, I wish I could talk about Angel more. Can’t wait for the day when I can post her picture! And I need to get cracking on my proposal so my new agent can pitch the book and get another contract!