Exposing the Pain of Porn Stars

Years ago, I met Ashley Weis, but I can’t even remember how! To know Ashley is to love her, though. Ash, do you remember how we connected? She and her awesome husband, George, did the lovely blog design for me (which I need to update my picture on). After all those asides, I’d love for you to stick around and learn about her debut novel, which I haven’t gotten a chance to read yet.

Allyson Graham, marriage counselor and lover of love, lived a life of romance few could imagine. Until her husband’s secret addiction stared at her from the computer screen. Will she be able to forgive the man who lied to her all of those precious years?

Follow her painful story alongside the heartbreaking story of Taylor Adams, a young girl searching for her worth in the world. As Allyson struggles to forgive her husband for lying about his addiction, Taylor naively falls into the same self-destructive industry and discovers that the attention and fun is nothing like she thought it would be.


Ashley, why did you decide to write Exposed?

  I  wanted to show that love overcomes all things. George and I went through a story similar to Ally and Jessie’s story. So I’ve lived it, although their story is a different. I  actually have more in common with Taylor than Ally, because of  her desire for earthly recognition and her quest for worth and acceptance. But mostly, I wrote Exposed because it just came out of my heart and spilled onto the page. So much of my heart is in this book.

How have you been able to reach out to other women?

Phew. Well. I get a bunch of emails from hurting women. Since I stay at home with my kids and work from home I don’t have much time to get out there and be on the streets loving drug dealers, so I consider this my ministry right now. Loving women and men who are hurting because of porn. Some weeks I get tons of emails, others I get one, but a week doesn’t pass where a woman doesn’t email me. Porn is just that big. That’s why I started the blog www.morethandesire.com, to write articles that help others heal and love again.

Tell me more about your blog.

More than Desire is a blog mostly for women healing from their husband’s porn addiction. I talk a lot about the heart of a woman. Basically, I wrote this blog because when I was healing I couldn’t find anything that helped, really helped, me heal. I wanted to make something that I would have wanted myself. So that’s what More than Desire is. What I would have loved to have had when I was healing.

Share a bit of how you and your husband came to the point of being so transparent about pornography. Was there ever a point where either of you felt like you wanted to hide your pasts from people?

Well, we’re both naturally transparent about everything. All of our flaws, our weaknesses, our strengths — they are sprawled out for the world to see. We don’t like to hide. Hiding is so artificial. And being open about our flaws glorifies God. He is most glorified in our weaknesses. So … how could we not be open about it? I think the only time George ever wanted to hide his past from people was when he was hiding porn from me. Other than that … he has been very open and I’ve never wanted to hide this. How can anything be lit with the love of Christ if we’re trying to hide it in a dark corner?

Last of all, what can we do to help women who are trapped in the sex industry or men who are addicted to the product?

Buy Exposed, first of all. 🙂 Exposed proceeds will help The Pink Cross organization (and Covenant Eyes and XXXChurch). Pink Cross is led by Shelley Lubben, an ex-porn star who loves people out of porn. Even without buying Exposed, Pink Cross is a great ministry to support. Also, in all Exposed books we are including a card at the end of the book and an envelope to mail it back to us. This is an opportunity for readers to write a letter to a porn star. We will be creating a Web site called “Love Letters for Porn Stars” (coming soon www.loveletterstopornstars.com) and posting all of these letters on there. Also, we’re going to put the cards in a pretty silver envelope and put them in a gift bag with other nice gifts. My friend Julie and I will be going to porn conventions to hand the letters/gift bags to girls in the industry. So … those are a few ways! Prayer. Prayer is a big way you can help girls in the industry. And love. No judgment. Just love. Pure love. Seeing them through God’s eyes, instead of objects.

5 Responses to Exposing the Pain of Porn Stars

  1. kristen August 23, 2010 at 9:11 am #

    What an amazing ministry.
    It’s a topic that needs to be talked about and worked through, even in the church with so many pastors turning to it.
    Thank you for being transparent.

  2. Ashley Weis August 24, 2010 at 5:37 am #

    thanks, kristen!

  3. quietspirit August 26, 2010 at 6:04 pm #

    May God guide this ministry and all who work in it.

  4. Steve Finnell August 27, 2010 at 2:21 pm #

    you are invited to follow my blog

  5. THE OLD GEEZER September 1, 2010 at 3:59 pm #

    I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You ~Ron