Quick Claim to Fame

I’m the star of Robin Lee Hatcher’s blog! Okay, not really me. But a movie I recommended is! (Notice she and I are on first name basis?)

If you check it out, leave a comment saying Christina sent you. Take a minute to read her posting about her WIP. I love hearing the nitty-gritty from a published author.

If you watch the movie, drop me a line.

4 Responses to Quick Claim to Fame

  1. Tammy Bowers July 23, 2007 at 7:34 am #

    I haven’t seen that one. I’ll have to add it to my Netflix que. Thanks for the recommendation.

  2. Anonymous July 27, 2007 at 7:52 am #

    I rented Little Manhattan last night! What a WONDERFUL and funny MOVIE!!! I started to watch it during the day and then stopped it as I thought Pat and the boys might like to watch it. When they got home from work I played the first 2 minutes to Pat and asked him if he thought he’d like to watch it . He said Yes. Taylor (19) was going to be leaving so he didn’t see the very first. He was in the kitchen and heard and saw a little then it grabbed his attention and he ended up sitting down and watched the WHOLE THING! We all really liked it. In fact last night Taylor had a friend over and I heard them out there watching the movie! It’s a GOOD ONE! So glad that you mentioned it on your blog or I would never have heard about it.
    By the way I cracked up when the old man on the phone said “This is Frank.” I can just see Josh doing that! Tell Josh that Auntie “Frank” says hello!

    Love, Auntie D.

  3. donna fleisher July 27, 2007 at 10:10 am #

    I haven’t seen the movie and haven’t been over to Robin’s blog in a long time. Guess I just wanted to say how I love how that song pops up every time I head over here. “Rub a dub … three men in a tub.”

    Love it!! : )

    see ya soon!!!

    (Wish you were going to the conf too, Tammy.)

  4. Tammy Bowers July 27, 2007 at 2:54 pm #

    I’ll be there Wednesday only. You and Christina, and tons of others need to stay out late Wednesday night with me at the coffee corner thing … place. It would be fun to get a big group visiting. I gotta get my fill in one night, if that’s possible. Best wishes to all you workers, though. May the Lord give you strength!