Need Your Opinion

My wonderful agent is asking for the tagline for my newest manuscript. What is a tagline? A short sentence which, as my agent describes it, serves somewhat as a subtitle, but with a hook.

The one I like best so far:

TITLE: Undiscovered
TAGLINE: Dying to forget; living to forgive.

Can you tell from those two pieces of information what I write? Are you interested at all? Does this sound more sure of itself: โ€œDie to forget; live to forgive?โ€ If you donโ€™t like it, want to share why?

I posted this on a writer’s blog and got a very valuable response. I’d like to see what you, my esteemed blogees, think.

5 Responses to Need Your Opinion

  1. Dana June 23, 2007 at 3:25 am #

    I don’t know if I can tell from that what you write. At first I thought it was suspense but my second guess would be general fiction like Kingsbury. I like the tagline. I like it better as “dying and living” than “die and live” – definitely! As I type this I realize I’m not much help… But there you go anyway! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Tammy Bowers June 25, 2007 at 1:47 pm #

    It;s good. I wouldn’t make any decision to buy a book based on a tag line though. ghe back cover copy is what hooks me into buying, or not. I agree with Dana, and like dying and living best. My initial impression from the one line only, is perhaps the main character has a terminal illness. Is that what your story is about?

  3. Jen's Journey June 25, 2007 at 9:51 pm #

    I agree with your other friends. The tagline with dying and living is best in my opinion. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. donna fleisher June 28, 2007 at 10:35 am #

    Can I toss in my two bits? : )

    I like it, though it may have a better feel if it’s turned around:

    Living to forgive. Dying to forget.

    The dying is more powerful and final, so it ends the tag with a wallop.

    But, alas, like titles, tags will be changed by the publisher. They like to determine what goes on their covers … but it’s okay, cuz they’re usually right when it comes to what will catch the eye of the reader. Using a tag in a proposal may actually seem a bit … presumptuous to them. Though, again, whatever your agent asks for, that you’ve gotta deliver. : )

  5. Anonymous July 5, 2007 at 7:59 pm #

    Posting to you Need an oppinion as I am opinionated individuale enjoy doing…On your Shoutlife Blog I left a note 1 hour after you posted your first request and as I was responding the Ruach /( spirit) of the Master and gave me your new book title and tag lines … James Lee Hamilton
    Oregon city oregon

    Author of the
    “Cork in-the Bottle”