Author Archive | Christina Tarabochia

Wishing You a Merry Christmas–Elf-Style!

OK, elvish doesn’t describe our celebration today (aside from the little one running around in her gorgeous Christmas dress, twirling), but it did a few weeks ago. Realizing I’d never shared the photos with you, I decided to rectify that immediately. My Christmas gift to you: Elf Party Photos! At my DivorceCare class, we watched […]

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The Union of Two Souls

All weddings are beautiful, joyous occasions, but every now and then I go to one that I can celebrate even more than usual because I know that I know that I know that I know the couple will be together for the rest of their lives.Chris and Lake are one of those couples. I tutored […]

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Best Books of 2009?

My google alerts for “Christina Berry” or “The Familiar Stranger” bring me little surprises every night. People are still reviewing the book, which means they are still reading the book, which means people are still buying the book, which means I’m a happy author! One of the winners of my 61-day blog tour 20-book giveaway […]

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Hitting the Links

No, this isn’t about Tiger Woods and the controversy around his late night accident. And, no, it isn’t even about golf, though I do a fair job at the driving range. This is the post that should have been six individual posts and gets condensed into a link happy blog because of how pitiful I’ve […]

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In the Good Times and Bad

God is ever faithful. Though there have been huge “bad” things in my life over the last year, I’d still characterize my life as mostly “good” over that same time period. And there is only one reason why: God’s presence in my life. Another hard thing has been tossed my way. Not directly on my […]

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