Author Archive | Christina Tarabochia

Stephen King and Jerry Jenkins–BFFs

Thanks to Bonnie E. for pointing this out. Writer’s Digest has an incredible interview with two of the best known authors of our time: Stephen King and Jerry Jenkins. I loved the slant of the interview: it’s focus on faith and how it translates into our written words. Even if you’re not a writer, you’ll […]

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Somebody Pinch Me

ACFW sent out a list of all the authors who will have books in the conference book store come September. This gives all of the conferees a chance to salivate over the list and budget for extra books for the next month or so. I clicked the email, and perused the first few lines, looking […]

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Love is on Pause

I still have Part Two of “Love is in the Air” pending, but a rush edit job came my way and pushed blogging aside. An editor requested a past client’s full manuscript. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the one I had edited, so I’m doing a full book edit in four days. Whew! Pray that “B” will […]

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Love is in the Air, Part One

It’s summer–the season of weddings. This morning I attended my first as a divorcee. As I told a dear friend, it was achingly beautiful. Having watched the bride go through a rough marriage and bad divorce, having watched the groom as cancer stole his first wife, this day of celebration meant a lot to all […]

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Iceberg Ahead?!?

My poor, poor blog. It’s been so neglected with the recent storms in my life. Thanks for still coming by and checking for new posts. Hope spring eternal, right? This past week was the anniversary of beginning foster care. Hard to believe an entire year has gone by with more than our family living in […]

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Two Tips to Change Your Life

How annoying is it when you’re trying to get that perfect piece of cling wrap cut and the tube jumps out of the box? I know! Pretty much the only things worse are shark attacks and weird suntan lines from sunglasses. Did you know that there are little tabs on either side of the plastic […]

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Finding My Way at The Way

A week ago, my almost-nineteen-year-old–do you sound very grown up when you tell people you’re 18 3/4?? ;-)–cousin had offered to take me out with his friends this Friday night. They go to a church service at Solid Rock called The Way. It specifically targets 18-28 year olds. I’m a few notches higher than that […]

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Looking for an Agent?

Michael Hyatt at Thomas Nelson has compiled this list of Christian Literary Agents. I haven’t seen such a succinct list with all the contact info in one place before. Huge resource! I’ve been very blessed in my relationship with the Van Diests and hope to have a fruitful partnership for years to come. If many […]

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Tappin’ Into My Heart

“All I want are a couple days off!” So shout the tappers in Andrea’s dance. 🙂 The whole class did a great job and I was SO proud of Andrea. The day of rehearsal, she put her class’s music on in her room and ran through the dance for an hour to refresh her muscle […]

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