Author Archive | Christina Tarabochia

Eaten Alive!

Yesterday we took a trip with friends out to Scoggins Creek off Hagg Lake. Got there early afternoon and stayed ’til almost dusk. We had ten kids altogether, which made for fun wading, splashing, falling in, and tree climbing. One of the funniest moments was when Sandy ran into the deepest part of the creek […]

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Summer Days

Love, love, love summer. Love not having to wrap up in layers to keep warm. Love the smell of cut grass. Love getting in a hot car. Love sleeping in. The official start to our summers is always the teachers’ can-can as the buses pull away from the elementary school. Then Grandma takes the kids […]

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Think You Know My Occupation?

One of the best–by which I mean least favorite–part of the end of the year is getting back the broken crayons, the three colored pencils left in the pack, the one-tree’s-worth of old papers, … But I found this gem in the April 15th entry of Joshua’s journal: My mom is a writr She finisht […]

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A Sickening Feeling

Before school officially ends, I figured I should put up the picture Andrea took of me when I was subbing for Field Day. No, I don’t usually wear flip flops, T-shirts, and jeans, but I knew the day was going to be pretty physical. Don’t I look so “teacherly” behind the desk? 🙂 When I […]

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Random Rants … Join In!

Hallelujah, I’m done with my first full edit! It only took a month from the day I received it to return it. Obviously, I’ll be speeding up my turnaround time. 🙂 Did she get her money’s worth from me? I do believe so, considering my comments added 10,000 words to her total word count! Anyway, […]

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A windstorm blew through this afternoon. The kids, their friends, and I ran out and stood in it–well away from the tall trees, of course! (I have two extra kiddos overnight because their parents are away celebrating their fifteenth anniversary. Congrats, Pete and Amy!) We’d heard the Emergency Broadcast on the radio as we drove […]

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Bargains, Baby, Bargains!

If you live near us and are hearing shrieks that raise the hair on the back of your neck, relax. That’s just the kids running through the sprinkler’s freezing cold water. I was driving past my favorite consignment shop this morning when the Prius’ intelligence system instituted a right turn into the parking lot. I […]

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Is ACFW for Me?

Our ACFW president sent a letter over the loop. I’m sharing it with her permission. If you’ve read this blog for any amount of time, you know I’m a fan of both OCW and ACFW. Since most of you don’t live in Oregon, I though this was valuable to share and would surely give you […]

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A Mom Moment … and More!

Joshua got hurt the other day and I said something about his owie. “What are they really called, Mom?” Uh … what ARE they really called? It’s been “owie” for more than decade. “Wounds?” I quavered. Sure, that sounds good. Come on, people, what’s the grown up word?? Random God moment: Someone I know works […]

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Coolest High School Elective Ever!

Tuesday I was a substitute at the local high school. Yay me! 🙂 I’ve done a bit of classified subbing while waiting for my restricted certification to be approved, which, obviously, has occurred. I thought I should use the same theory toward junior high and high schoolers that is used for dogs: never let them […]

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