Last Tuesday was supposed to be the second day for the kids to be back at school, but it turned into a snow day. Last year, we had a few snow days in a row and I was out sledding with the kids, making snow angels, and having snowball fights. This year I stayed inside […]
Author Archive | Christina Tarabochia
Randy Ingermanson’s mentioned Simpleology several times, both in person at a writing conference and on his blog. I keep meaning to give their free course a try, but always get distracted. Which wouldn’t happen if I used their goal-setting exercise each day! A cool thing? I’m evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks […]
Four Weeks Ago …
I smiled for a quick pic before we left for the hospital. Little did I know what I was in for. [Scary music] What a clueless, happy child I was. And how neat and clean my house. Anyone wondering about Clean Freak Mama should know she split when my ACL did. I had to do […]
Sushi for One?
Remember that GREAT book I was telling you about? Yep, it’s Camy Tang’s Sushi for One? I’m going to really try not to give to much away in this post, as if you haven’t read it yet, I don’t want to spoil anything for you. However, I will say that there is a sports-related injury […]
Comfy and Cozy
I’ve just spent the last hour reading all the blogs I was behind on. I’m on the couch, leg properly braced and elevated. How can I be writing this while I’m reclining under four blankets in the living room and my computer’s in the office? Let me tell you how! First, you go to a […]
I’ve Been Carded
Ronie Kendig altered this CARDED meme to include a Spiritual Wish list so we can know how to pray for each other, both spiritually and physically. Isn’t that a great idea? THE RULES: 1. Each player starts with 5 gifts that they would want for Christmas.2. People who are “CARDED” need to write their own […]
Surgery Kneecap
I’m emerging from my drug-induced fog long enough to give you a kneecap, um … recap, of the whole ordeal. I stayed up until 3 the night before getting things done as I knew I wouldn’t be functioning for quite a time. Plus, I’d have the chance to catch up on my sleep within a […]
Headed to Surgery
I love my friends! I know you will all be praying. Here’s a couple of word pictures to help you remember to, ‘kay? If you drive past a construction site, think of them drilling into my bones. 🙂 Or having an iced drink could remind you of the super cool machine I have to reduce […]
Nobody Wants to Read about My Medical Problems
… at least that was one comment left on a friend’s blog when she asked what people didn’t like to read about. For those of you who do care why I’ve been absent from the online community for the last few weeks and why I really, really want you to pray when you eat lunch […]
Kim Vogel Sawyer’s Beginnings
(An interview follows the review.) Having read one of Kim Vogel Sawyer’s historicals, the fantastic book Waiting for Summers Return, I admit it took me a few pages to adjust to the contemporary setting of Beginnings. Though the backdrop is the Mennonite community, the protagonist, Beth Quinn, encapsulates a very modern, headstrong woman of the […]