Author Archive | Christina Tarabochia

Measurable Progress

Since this is a writer’s blog, I suppose I should update you on our writing progress every now and again, eh? Yesterday, Mom and I updated our website. We have a couple things left to do: need to add photos or links to three pages and figure out why our FAQs page is suddenly showing […]

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Personality Test & Clean Freak Mama Revisited

Chanda Canup had invited me to take a personality test, but I was self-grounded from playing on the computer at the time. But isn’t blogging supposed to be fun? “ESTJs are responsible, logical, norm-following hard workers. Their efforts are carried out in a practical, structured manner. ESTJs trust facts and experiences more than theories. They […]

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Off Again!

The house is clean. I haven’t had a chance to read any blogs. And I’m blogging. It’s only 10:50! PM! (I’m making fun of my last post.) Everything started off just as well as it had yesterday. In fact, the day was much better than I was anticipating after what Joshua went through last night. […]

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And They’re Off!

The beds are stripped and the sheets are already in the dryer. The washer is stuffed with towels. The house is clean. I’ve made the rounds of all my favorite blogs. And now I’m blogging. And it’s only 10:40! Ah, the first day of school! I do miss my little munchkins, but I’m making the […]

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New Blog Links

I’ve updated my links to include a few new blogs: Bonnie LeonOne of my favorite OCW authors and a huge supporter of our journey toward publishing. She endorsed our first book! Tammy BowersAn OCW friend with a strong desire to write. Reading her comments usually has me laughing. Watch for any comments by Bill’s Waste […]

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Clean Freak Mama Returns

Clean Freak Mama took a summer vacation, but with the first day of school a week away,…she’s baaack! My grandmother even commented on the messiness of my house the other day. “I didn’t think you were normal–always having a clean house.” Well, normal is not something I ever want to be. As if I could […]

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Middle Name Meme

Camy Tang tagged me! The Rules: 1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts. 2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of their middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to […]

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OCW: The Punishment

The French have Nutella, but Down Under Vegemite’s the favorite spread. The pictures can speak for themselves…. Donna, two bites was as much punishment as I could handle. My palate ranks the saltiness of Vegemite somewhere up there with beef bouillon cubes soaked in soy sauce. My hubby noticed the expiration date on the bottom […]

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OCW: The Prank

As I see it, I have three options: A) Tell you all I really didn’t do anything to Donna and this whole thing has been a marketing ploy. B) Make up a completely different prank and weave a cool story around it. The idea of doing this cracks me up, as Donna would be flabbergasted. […]

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