Author Archive | Christina Tarabochia

Need Your Opinion

My wonderful agent is asking for the tagline for my newest manuscript. What is a tagline? A short sentence which, as my agent describes it, serves somewhat as a subtitle, but with a hook. The one I like best so far: TITLE: UndiscoveredTAGLINE: Dying to forget; living to forgive. Can you tell from those two […]

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Even though this will post on Saturday, since I’m typing at the end of my day (2 A.M.) on Friday, I’m considering “today” yesterday. 😉 Today’s been a day of amazing progress. Only the second day of summer and my son has already learned how to ride his bike. Last night, as I was watering […]

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Up and Running

Whew! After one week without a computer, I’m now limping my way back to being fully connected. As of today, the computer whiz had been unable to retrieve any data, though he has one more trick to try. So what if I never get that information back? The largest, most important pieces of my writing […]

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A Special Day!

Happy birthday, Mom! As Joshua says, “You’re only 10. You have two fives. 5 + 5 = 10.” But this can be a special day for you, Dear Blog Reader, too! 🙂 We’re getting our next newsletter edition ready. Subscribe to the Ashberry Lane Newsletter to be entered in a contest for an MP3 player […]

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Sometimes It Rains…

and sometimes it–well, that would be getting ahead of myself. Yesterday started with hours on the phone with tech support only to hear that my hard drive was fried and I needed to take it in for data recovery. I did my homework and found a local computer doc who only charges $99 to recover […]

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Showing vs. Telling

On my post Relationship Advice?, Anonymous had this to say: Can I ask you a question, though, from a non-writer? What exactly do you mean by telling instead of showing? How do you distinguish between the two? Since a book is all about the words, how does an author show and not tell? Excellent question, […]

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Relationship Advice?

Do you ever put a book away before you reach the end? Editors say an author must hook a reader within the first couple of pages. True for some people, maybe, but not for me. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and try my hardest to fall into your imaginary world. I want […]

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