Last night, as Josh rinsed his plate after dinner, he yelled, “MMMOOOOOOOMMMM!” And Andrea began yelling too. Don’t know what your experience is, but two kids screaming for their mother isn’t the best of signs around here. I rounded the corner to the kitchen to see the faucet handle out of place and water pouring […]
Author Archive | Christina Tarabochia
My Why-I-Waited-to-Have-Sex Tell-all Interview!
For those of you who know me, you know I’ll answer pretty much any question without even blushing. My great friend, Angela Ruth Strong put that to the test! hehe We both divorced around the same time and re-married around the same time. AND we both waited to have sex until we could call our […]
Funny? Maybe … or Maybe Not
I was cleaning out yet another box–I always think I found the last one from the move and then another one appears–when I found notes I’d jotted down in a comedy class at OCW. We were coming up with one-liners for something , I think job-related jokes … I have to censor the first one […]
Laughing Alone? Newest Newsletter!
If you think it’s been a long time since I blogged, you should know that I went more than a year between newsletters! The newest can be found on the link on my sign-up-form page of my website. There’s the introductions to Dave, wedding pictures, my IQ test results, and much, much more. Ya know […]
2011 Carol Award Winners!
Debut AuthorCrossing Oceans by Gina Holmes (Tyndale Publishers – Kathryn Olson, editor) Long ContemporaryNever Say Never by Lisa Wingate (Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group – Dave Long, editor) Long Contemporary RomancePlain Paradise by Beth Wiseman (Thomas Nelson – Natalie Hanemann, editor) Long HistoricalSons of Thunder by Susan May Warren (Summerside Press […]
Name that Kitten!
We brought home a new addition to the family … as if five kids weren’t enough action for us. Our friends own an animal hospital and called us about adopting some kittens that had been left on the doorstep. So we weren’t even looking for a pet, but not forty-eight hours after the first contact, […]
Broken Kindle–Amazon to the Rescue!
Andrea and Josh went to Hermiston to visit their dad’s family and they packed a boatload of things to do while they were driving. Hmm, guess that would be a carload, actually. Last night, Andrea’s Kindle fell off her suitcase just as her brother walked by, which meant that it fell right under his foot. […]
Pitching Over Meals at Conferences
I shared this on the ACFW Course Loop, but since so many people are getting ready for conferences, I thought it was worth repeating. I’ve pitched many times over tables at ACFW and OCW, where I’ll be next week. Honestly, it is a little nerve-wracking to talk about your baby in front of a table […]
Unfortunate Coincidence
Had to get four fillings today. No, I haven’t been brushing my teeth with cotton candy. In fact, I haven’t had a cavity for more than a decade … and that was the problem. All my fillings were old and worn down, so the dentist replaced them. I had the choice of doing them over […]
2011 Carol Award Finalists
Put all of these books on your summer reading list: Debut Novel: The Preacher’s Bride by Jody Hedlund (Bethany House – Dave Long/Sharon Asmus, Editors) Crossing Oceans by Gina Holmes (Tyndale Publishers – Kathryn Olson, Editor) Rooms by James L. Rubart (B&H Publishing – Julee Schwarzburg, Editor) Long Contemporary: The Choice by Suzanne Woods Fisher […]