Here we are at a lot not even five minutes from our house picking out a beautiful noble fir for just $25. We could have gotten a better deal, but the $10 spot was closed. Yes, we’re very lucky…as I just talked to Aunt Judy in WY and a noble fir of the same height […]
Archive | Family
Never Grow Up
(We will now listen in at the Berry family dinner table.) Joshua, 5 years old: I never want to grow up. Andrea, 7: Then you’d better find Peter Pan and go with him to Neverland. Mom: How long would you go to Neverland for? Joshua: 100 years! Mom: If you stayed that long, when you […]
Let It Snow, Let It Snow
First of all, let me just say congratulations to the Gaston School Board for knowing almost a year ago that today would be the first day of snow and planning a Report Card Day of no school for the children. Wonderful foresight! All four of our kids together. The beautiful view from our house. The […]
Happy Thanksgiving!
I awoke this morning feeling crummy, but probably feeling better than most turkeys! The kids and I, because Kevin had to work, drove to the Alzheimer’s facility where my Grandma Peterson lives. We had a wonderful, private meal in the conference room. We ate until we were stuffed…as stuffed as a turkey. Wow, what a […]