I could call this “Change of Sheets,” but that’s getting ahead of the story. One thing I’ve discovered about myself–and I can’t say I like it very much–is that after an excellent day, I tend to have a low day. On Thursday, I was so excited about my agent’s email. All of my critiquers have […]
Archive | Family
Birthday Surprise
Kevin’s birthday was last week. We had a little family party; later, he and I went to dinner and saw a movie. Then his birthday was over. Or so he thought! I told him his gift was coming late, which was extremely fun because he always figures out what I’m getting him. On Wednesday afternoon, […]
Speak These Nevermore
My grandmother was telling me a story on Valentine’s Day about one of my uncles. He was a strong little guy. One day, they went to visit her parents. My uncle rushed up the steps and through the door to hug his grandpa. Next thing she knew, my uncle was lifting his grandpa in a […]
I signed Andrea out of school fifteen minutes early so we could make it to her dentist appointment on time. Despite my best efforts at helping her brush her teeth, sticking my huge hands (relatively speaking) into her mouth to floss, and providing a fluoride rinse she ended up with one cavity. In a baby […]
The Kids Make a New Friend
Literally, they made a new friend. This was on the very first snow day two weeks ago. We played in the snow for hours. Behind Andrea is a little patch of grass we refer to as the “golf green.” Andrea called it the “golf white” that day. We used a sled and cardboard to go […]
Where have I been?
I woke up last Friday morning feeling achy. Actually, my joints started hurting at Taekwon-do the night before, but now everything ached. I still got up and took the kids to school. It hurt just to walk them into class. (Because of snow closures, Friday was the only day of class Joshua had last week!) […]
Joshua’s Choice
Joshua picked a play bath tonight. In case you don’t speak the same childtalk we do, that usually means bubbles and a few toys for a longer period of soaking. He asked for the whole bucket of bath toys. That’s a lot of toys and my back does not love to bend over the tub […]
Andrea’s 8! It’s a Jungle.
And what a party! The school took a field trip to see Charlotte’s Web and returned just before 2, which is when Mom and I took the snacks to her class. When the bell was about to ring, Andrea’s wonderful teacher worked out a system where, upon dismissal, no one could tell who was invited […]
Family & More Family
This is me with my twin niece and nephew. Aren’t they sweet? Kaylee had come home from preschool with a good behavior reward sticker on her hand. When his mama asked Johnathan where his was, he said he didn’t know. “Did you stand on your desk today?” she asked. (I’m sure there’s back story here, […]
Lumber Jill
During the storm I last blogged about, we had several trees go down all over the property. (We live on 15.5 acres.) Yesterday, Kevin and Dad took the chain saw to the fallen fir and medrona and cut them down to a manageable size. Today…we played in the forest. For hours, we rolled them down […]