Archive | Food


A windstorm blew through this afternoon. The kids, their friends, and I ran out and stood in it–well away from the tall trees, of course! (I have two extra kiddos overnight because their parents are away celebrating their fifteenth anniversary. Congrats, Pete and Amy!) We’d heard the Emergency Broadcast on the radio as we drove […]

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I (heart) Les Schwab

I’ve had a slow leak in my left rear tire for about a month. How do I know? Because my super-smart car tells me when the pressure gets too low. (Okay, I just found out that most new cars now have this feature, but I still think my car is smarter than most.) I’ve been […]

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Fun Opportunity for Locals

Ever heard of the ApologetiX? They’re a Christian parody band that’s hitting the stage at Newberg Christian Church May 9th at 7 PM. Fun for all ages as they say on the website, “Parents, bring your kids. Kids, bring your parents.” A bunch of us from Wapato Valley Church will be there and I’d love […]

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A Winner!

Just got back Sunday night from the ACFW conference in MN. I’ll start my daily rehash of the previous week’s matching day tomorrow. Okay, that sounds extremely complicated! What it means, translated into understandable language is this: I’ll blog tomorrow about the Wednesday before it. Um …. not sure that’s much better. Maybe you should […]

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The Chicken or the Egg?

23 or 26? Mayo or butter? I’m such a goober. The capacity of my brain rarely disappoints, with the exception of two things. One doesn’t matter much. The other makes me wonder if I have too much testosterone. 🙂 First, the big one, is that I often can’t remember when my anniversary is. Isn’t that […]

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He is Risen!–Are We Ready?

It’s 1 AM Easter morning. I’ve just finished baking a from scratch chocolate cake for Easter dinner, which I cleverly decorated in an Easter theme. I also cooked up a loaf of French toast to take to the church potluck in the morning. I’m no fool. I know that kids are the first through any […]

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Slow-Cooked Meal for a Fast-Paced Life

Between all the baseball practises, tap, AWANA, doctor visits, PT, etc,… I knew I’d have to find some good slow cooker recipes if we were going to branch out from corn dogs, pizza, and McD’s. We had a yummy one the other night. For those of you who feel like you’re always running behind–is there […]

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Coupon Clipping Coup

I’ve always said that I’ll know I’m financially secure when I choose to buy my favorite cereal independent of whether it is on sale or not. Yesterday I did a huge shopping trip with tons of coupons. Normally, Life Cereal sells for $3.99 a box at our local Safeway. It was on sale for $3, […]

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Personality Test & Clean Freak Mama Revisited

Chanda Canup had invited me to take a personality test, but I was self-grounded from playing on the computer at the time. But isn’t blogging supposed to be fun? “ESTJs are responsible, logical, norm-following hard workers. Their efforts are carried out in a practical, structured manner. ESTJs trust facts and experiences more than theories. They […]

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